Things To Know Before Getting Your Car Windows Tinted

Window tinting is a popular way to customize your car and make it look unique. It also has practical benefits, such as reducing the amount of heat that enters the vehicle and protecting the interior from UV rays. In this blog post, we will discuss all things related to car window tinting, from what you need to know before getting it done to how to remove the film if you change your mind later on. We’ll also cover the Texas state laws and exemptions, so you can be sure that you’re following the rules in your area.

First, let’s take a look at what window tint is.

What Is Window Tint?

Tinted windows are created by applying a thin film to the inside of your car’s windows. These films can be dyed, metallic, reflective, or combined with these materials (this is sometimes called a hybrid). The primary purpose of the tint is to reduce the amount of light that enters the car, thus reducing the heat and glare. Vehicle window films are also available in a clear color that can be applied to windows and windshields to protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Many people have window tint installed because they think it looks cool, but there are also several practical benefits. It can reduce your exposure to UV rays (which will keep you healthier) and protect your skin from sunburns when you’re driving. It also protects the car’s interior from fading or cracking due to overheating.

States Determine Tinting Laws

In most states, window tint is legal with restrictions that vary by jurisdiction and type of vehicle being tinted (e.g., front windshields vs. rear side windows). There are no federal laws regulating window tinting, so it’s up to the states to decide. You can find a breakdown of your state’s laws here.

Window Tint Law Exemptions

There are some exemptions from state window tinting laws. According to Texas DPS, for example, in Texas, side windows to the driver’s right and left can be tinted as long as, when measured in combination with the original glass, they have a light transmittance value of 25% or more. As well as the back window, side windows to the rear of the driver are exempt from regulation under the Texas Transportation Code.

Window Tinting Penalties

Some states may also give you a ticket for driving with window tints that are too dark. If you’re caught with illegal window tints, the penalty is usually a fine ranging from $50 to over $200, depending on your state (this is true for Texas).

The Medical Tint Exception

A medical exception is required if a driver has to tint their vehicle’s two front windows darker than the (25% in Texas) limit because of a medical condition. The driver must provide a signed letter from their doctor stating that the condition requires tinting their windows for medical reasons.

Car Tinting Installation Options

You can hire a professional to install your car’s tint or do it yourself if you have the proper tools and experience. This process can be challenging if done incorrectly, so we recommend having someone else take care of it for you.

The Different Kinds of Tint

There are many different types available that vary in price and quality, so it’s important to know what kind is right for your vehicle before making a purchase decision. Here’s an overview of some popular options:

Ceramic films are designed with ceramic nanoparticles, making them more durable than traditional films and less likely to fade over time.

Carbon tints are made from a carbon-based material that blocks some heat while allowing natural light in (this helps reduce glare). Carbon tint is typically more expensive than other kinds but may last longer because it doesn’t fade quickly or scratch as easily. The dyed film has the lowest heat and glare reduction but is the least expensive option.

Metallic window tint contains metal particles that reflect light, which can help improve visibility at night. It also gives your car a unique look.

A hybrid window tint combines ceramic and carbon pigments to create a material that’s effective at reducing glare and heat while still allowing some light in.

The Pros and Cons of Different Kinds of Tint

Before making a purchase, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of each type of tint. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Ceramic films offer superior heat and glare reduction and scratch resistance. They’re also one of the more expensive options.

Carbon tints are good at blocking heat and reducing glare but may not be as durable as ceramic films.

Metallic window tint can improve visibility at night and give your car a unique look, but it’s also one of the more expensive options.

Hybrid window tint effectively reduces glare and heat while still allowing some light in.

Dyed film is the least expensive option but may not be as effective at blocking heat and glare or preventing scratches from occurring on your car’s windows over time.

Why Do People Get Window Tint?

Tinting is a popular way to personalize cars because it can give them a unique look. But there are other reasons why people get it done, too:

Filter the Light: Some people tint their windows to reduce the amount of sunlight, especially during the summer when it can be very hot inside a car.

Consider Visibility: Tinting can also help improve visibility at night or in other low-light situations.

Know the Limit: Before you start tinting, make sure that your state’s laws allow for this type of modification to be done on cars because they vary from place to place (see above). If an officer sees what appear to be illegal window tints while driving around town during their shift, then there could potentially be some trouble.

Protect Your Health: Tinting can help protect you from harmful UV rays that can cause skin cancer.

Protect Your Car: In addition to the reasons mentioned above, tinting your windows can also help protect your car’s interior from fading and cracking over time.

Consider the Price: Window tinting isn’t cheap, but it can be worth it if you’re looking for a way to personalize your vehicle and make it look more stylish.

Avoid Damages: Window tinting can protect against scratches on your car’s windows that would otherwise be caused by small rocks or other debris hitting them while driving down the road at high speeds (see above).

Search for an Expert Pro: When it comes to something as important as window tinting, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals. This way, you can be sure that it’s done correctly and that you won’t have any problems with the law later on.

The Takeaway: Window Tint Is Worth It

Window tint is an excellent way to customize your car and protect it from damage caused by sunlight. There are many different types of tints available, each with its own unique benefits. You can find out more about car window tints and how to choose the right one for you in our blog post: [link here].

You may also want to read up on the laws around window tinting before deciding what kind of film is best suited to your needs. If you’re curious about whether or not your state allows it, check out our full breakdown of state regulations here [link to article].

Please note that this information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal advice. Always consult with an attorney if you have specific questions about your situation or need more detailed information on how the law applies to your case.


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